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  • Writer's pictureSara Taghizadeh-Heroux

Ontario Adventure # 1 Belfountain Conservation Area, Bolton, Cheltenham Badlands July21, 2018

My desire to see more of Ontario came when I no longer could persuade my then 6-year-old son away from his computer long enough to look outside and enjoy what was around him. I remember the week that I planned this Adventure. My husband had weekend plans that left me and my kid with two days of nothing to do. If I didn't have something in mind I could have easily sat down with a good book and only looked up to feed my son. As he wouldn't have come up for a breath from Minecraft. That's when I decided I had to have a plan.

I looked through Pinterest and google maps to see what was in a one-hour or less drive from Kitchener. Turns out tons!! I've always travelled in Ontario but now that I look back it really was to the big hitters Toronto, Niagara, London... This needed to be different, I needed to get him hooked on the Adventure.

He helped me pack a backpack full of supplies. One had to be his Minecraft sword, "come on mom, we are going to a forest. I have to cut down trees." Binoculars we borrowed from his Grandpa, lots of water and snacks. We were ready to go.

Belfountain Conservation Area has a lot of cool stuff to see The reason I picked it for the first adventure, the Cave. A cool looking Yellowstone cave that you can look into and see from the top or from walking down a staircase. Also, the suspension bridge that shows a great view of the falls was nice.

There are three hikes each for different levels and meet up with each other. We had a map on my phone before we left so we could make sure we hit all the sites. My son liked to get his binoculars out and try to see all the different kinds of birds. I only realized later that he had no idea how to use binoculars and wasn't really seeing anything!

We were able to make a good hour and a half out of the area before we were starving and wanted to eat. My son is a picky eater so I knew ahead of time to look at what was in the area for the 2 main meals he will eat. Pizza or a burger. When I'm on these adventures I really like to take in a local eatery instead of a chain. I'm by no means a foodie, and for sure my son isn't but we can have McDonald's at home.

We Drove to Bolton about a 15-minute drive from the Conservation area. We stopped at Four Corners Bakery Eatery

My son was in the process of a tooth falling out, but he could devour a big slice of cheese pizza. I had a great turkey sandwich we didn't have any dessert, we knew to save room for our next stop. We stopped on the main street at Happy Days for ice cream it was delicious.

On the way home, we finished our road trip with a drive-by of Cheltenham Badlands. What a place to see. At the time they were doing construction as people had walked on the rocks and it was damaging the area. But even from the car, we could see the beautiful colours. If you want to know more about how the Badlands were formed here is a link with more information This left us with a great conversation all the way home!

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