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  • Writer's pictureSara Taghizadeh-Heroux

Ontario Adventure #2

Crawford Lake Conservation Area, Milton, Springridge Farm

After our first Adventure, it was easy to convince my son of heading out on our next road trip. Trying again to stay at an hour's distance from home we ended up in the Halton Region. About a forty-five-minute drive from Kitchener we were able to enjoy more time in the great outdoors instead of the car.

My son once again packed his trusty backpack with a Minecraft sword and binoculars and we were ready for our day out. Of course, trusty mom slipped in water and snack bars just in case we had a snack attack!

The first stop of the day was Crawford Lake Conservation Area. we stayed on the Crawford Lake trail seeing on the map that this trail will intercept with the Hide and Seek trail with the beautiful wooden carvings. My son loved seeing the carvings and wondering how big the person must have been to carve them. Didn't have the heart to tell him you can use a ladder you don't need to be a giant! If you are looking for a long hike this can be a starting point for Rattlesnake Point. I didn't think my son's attention span would last plus his hunger level so we didn't make it there, a future adventure!

The Conservation Area has a great education center. We toured the Longhouse Village, saw the artifacts and I read through the information for my son to understand the history of the area and what the Longhouse Village was in its time over 600 years ago. It's always a wonder to see a small child's head try to wrap around time. He had a lot of questions.

As the day was fairly hot, Ontario in August a bit sweltry! It was nice to escape to a building that they set up with a children's size dig site and interactive play areas for the kids to learn how the village was found in the 1970s. My son's not big about getting dirty but he spent a good amount of time pretending he was finding artifacts in the dirt. It was a great experience for him.

With hunger coming on we drove to Milton just a few minutes away to Troy's Family Restaurant. This is a place that wants to live in the '50s and it accomplishes just that. The portions were great. The kid got a burger and fries and I got the Classic BLT we shared a shake all of it was fantastic!

On the way home, we had one last stop for great baked goods and a run around to burn off the big lunch. We stopped at Springridge Farm. With it being a hot day in August it wasn't busy. I imagine it gets most of its tourists during fall harvest and winter festival time. My son had most of the playground to himself with a great rope climber that he tried to get to the top. We picked up tasty pies and cookies to bring home and share for that evening's dessert.

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