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  • Writer's pictureSara Taghizadeh-Heroux

Ontario Adventure #26 Cottaging in Ontario

When I plan my summer I always call my oldest and dearest friend first to see when we can get the families together for some cottage time! Ontario has over 250,000 lakes with the best ones surrounded by beautiful cottages. From breathtaking Muskoka to the party towns of Grand Bend and Sauble cottaging should be a must on everyone's summer to-do list!

To me, cottaging is about the company. It doesn't matter where you are or if the cottage has an outhouse it's the people you are sharing the outhouse with!! I have been extremely lucky to have had a friend for over 28 years that has a family cottage and has been gracious enough to invite me to her family's slice of paradise over the years.

The best part about cottages is when they have been in families for generations. When you can look around the property and see where great-great-grandparents made their claim. It does help if the plumbing has been installed since the grandparent's days!

Now that we travel with our children the nightlife is a bit different and the drinking is more day drinking but one way or another it's still a lot of fun. If twisting off a top and craking a book open sounds like fun to you then Ontario cottaging is going to be a place you will enjoy.

A must every trip is to pick wild blueberries. The area of this cottage has an island nicknamed Blueberry island and for good reason. Every year we make our way to the island to see if we can pick enough for my friend to make us a delicious dessert. The kids always start off well trying to help but I think they eat more than put in the container!

A good way to spend the afternoons is trying a water sport. This year my Son and I got a chance to paddleboard. I had envisioned standing tall paddling around the bay. Don't even need a bathing suit I won't get wet. Well luckily I did put on a suit as I never did get to standing I was in the water more than not. My Son gracefully walked off the dock onto the board.

I still would like to learn how to get up and look like all those fit people paddling around. Right now I'm still on my knees!

If you get a chance to cottage in Ontario bring friends and bug spray!

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