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  • Writer's pictureSara Taghizadeh-Heroux

Ontario Adventure #29 Elora Mill, Elora Ontario

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

When I thought of a great Christmas gift for my Mom I knew I wanted to spoil her with luxury and pampering, luckily as it was a shared gift I got to take advantage of this luxurious night away as well. I had gone to Elora Mill and Spa in the fall with my husband for a massage and fell in love with the property. From its old-world charm to its high-end amenities how could you not? I knew I needed to come back and take in everything the Hotel had to offer.

I booked a one-night stay with breakfast and three spa treatments for each of us. Talking with some ladies in my family it was decided this would be a great gift for a bunch of us! Now it was a party of four to enjoy relaxation and fine living! If you ever wanted to have a great bonding experience with ladies in your life this is it. I set out to organize an unforgettable night away. As the Pandemic raged on Indoor dining was restricted, no fear Elora Mill had us covered.

At first, I called the hotel to see what our options were for dining while we were there. They have these adorable Snow Globes that you can reserve for meals. I thought how amazing we keep our group away from others and have an amazing experience. I booked them for the lunch and dinner we would be there for. Unfortunately days before our trip Public Health said they weren't allowed to be used during the restriction. I do recommend booking these when restrictions lift but you will need to plan well in advance as there are only three on the property.

Instead, we were able to get reservations in their beautiful set-up tent. We were given lush blankets and heaters were set up all around to cut the cold. I will say it was one of the coldest days in January when we went but we couldn't feel it inside. We were prepared as I was called by the hotel with the change days before so I knew to prepare the ladies when making wardrobe decisions for the day.

With the meals organized and three spa treatments for us to be pampered during, we arrived at the hotel nice and early to check in. There is an employee waiting for all guests at the gate to let you in and tell you where to leave your car. Everything is honestly taken care of for you. We checked in at the front desk and left our car keys and bags for them to get our rooms organized while we indulged at the spa. I had brought treats and several bottles of wines and drinks for our nighttime bonding. The front desk crew assured me they would get everything in the fridge when our rooms were ready.

The spa is in a separate building on the property that feels like an oasis when you enter. From the offer of disposable slippers to having our own Guest Experience Liaison we knew we were going to have a great day. The spa has a spectacular view of the Grand River. The second and third floors each have beautiful lounges to wait and relax between treatments. The lounges are fully surrounded in glass and show the river for all its beauty.

My favorite treatment was the Meso Infusion Hydration Facial. Starting with lying on a heated bed to the relaxing feel of the room. This treatment was head-to-toe relaxation. The facial felt like it never ended. Application after application of high-end lotions and potions helped heal my wintery dry skin. As my esthetician waited between swipes of cream she gave a head and foot massage, all of us agreed we felt the benefits of our facials days later. Maybe it was the twelfth swipe of cream that we couldn't believe it would add to our skin or it was the whole experience.

After a great lunch and three treatments, we were ready to get into the Rooftop Hot Tub. Even though it was the coldest day of the year it was perfect under the water. That of course was the key you had to get your shoulders under the water. Also, you couldn't face the wind or your eyebrows would freeze. I definitely had icicles in my hair but it was all worth it. All night I could feel the warmth of the water. The view from the rooftop was spectacular.

We quickly learned a trick, if you asked nicely to anyone passing they would add more time on the dial. We wouldn't dare get out to extend the time. If you did you might freeze!

Even though we were in a tent for dinner it still felt like fine dining. I will say we didn't really dress the part as we were focused on staying warm. They gave us lush blankets and lots of delicious cocktails to keep warm. No one at the table was disappointed with their meals. I had the beef of the day which was a tenderloin cut. It was done perfectly to my liking.

Getting to enjoy the room after dinner was the perfect way to end the night. Our room was the most romantic hotel room I had ever stayed in. I texted my husband to tell him how beautiful and romantic the room was and how my mom might not be the best person to share these accommodations with!!! Just another reason to come back!

The room we had comes with a wood-burning fireplace. It was a touch we all couldn't get over. When we passed the front desk we asked if someone could come up and start our fire. In less than 5 minutes we had a roaring fire to keep us snuggled and warm. This was the perfect atmosphere for more drinks good conversation and sweet treats.

I popped open some bottles and we talked and laughed and remembered some old times. It didn't hurt that we polished off a good amount of alcohol! A new favorite of mine is Prosecco, trying all the different brands.

As the night started to turn into the next day it was time to put in our breakfast orders and hang them on the door for in-room dining in the morning. Even without the restrictions, this is a nice touch to keep the relaxation to continue until you leave. We ate breakfast together in our PJ's and took our time to pack up.

This night away was everything we needed during these what can feel like locked up times. As the price can be fairly steep it might not be something that can be done often but I recommend this splurge! Especially if you can make a family memory that will carry on for a long time after.

If you are looking for more Spa getaways take a look at these links!

Shangri-La Hotel and spa

Ste. Anne's Spa

Millcroft Inn and Spa


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